Davis Dentistry

Porcelain Veneers Replacement: What You Should Know

Apr 27, 2018 @ 07:52 AM — by Mark Davis
Tagged with: Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers can immediately transform the smile, addressing multiple dental flaws and improving your overall appearance. However, eventually porcelain veneers will need to be replaced. With proper care, veneers can last 10 years or more. 

However, eventually, your porcelain veneers will need to be replaced. At Davis Dentistry, Dr. Mark Davis offers porcelain veneers replacement to help our Scottsdale, AZ patients maintain a beautiful smile.

About Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are wafer-thin porcelain shells that are bonded to the surface of teeth to correct cosmetic flaws. Patients experience immediate results as veneers mask discolored or crooked teeth. 

Before placing your veneers, Dr. Davis thoroughly evaluates your smile, considering the health of your gums and teeth. He works together with patients to determine short- and long-term goals for treatment.

Lifespan of Porcelain Veneers

Patients can typically expect their veneers to last about 10 years. With proper care, veneers could even reach the 20-year mark. The lifespan of porcelain veneers depends largely on how well patients care for them.

It is important to remember that veneers are susceptible to damage. They can become discolored, chipped, cracked; they can also fall off of the teeth.

How to Care for Veneers

Transforming your smile with porcelain veneers requires patients to commit to excellent oral hygiene practices, including regular brushing, flossing, and dentist visits.

Stay Away, Decay!

Regular dentist visits are key to keeping decay at bay and ensuring the longevity of your porcelain veneers. Also, it is important to brush and floss on a daily basis. While the veneer itself is not actually susceptible to decay, when cavities damage the underlying tooth structure, the veneer may need to be removed and replaced.

Guard Your Gums

Maintaining proper gum health seems like a no-brainer for oral health in general, but it is especially important for patients with porcelain veneers because it aids in the prevention of gum disease and receding gums, which can negatively affect the appearance of your veneers. If the gums recede, the margins of the veneers could show, compromising the aesthetics of your smile. 

While frequent, consistent brushing and flossing is a must for patients with veneers, they should be conscious that they are not brushing too hard because this can also jeopardize periodontal health.

Keep Veneers White and Bright

Wine, coffee, tomato sauce, berries… these are things patients with porcelain veneers should avoid. Although veneers are highly stain resistant, the dental cement that holds them in place is still subject to discoloration. If the cement becomes stained, the edge of a veneer can look discolored and unnatural.

Porcelain Veneer Replacement

Despite patients’ best efforts, porcelain veneers will eventually need to be replaced. This involves the removal of the previous set of veneers and dental cement. Then we will place your new veneers and bond them in place with dental cement.

Your Best Smile Is Only a Consultation Away

If you are interested in an instant, effective method of revitalizing your smile and improving your confidence, contact the professionals at Davis Dentistry online or call our office at (480) 595-1300 for a consultation today.