Davis Dentistry

Porcelain Veneers Prices and Payment Options

Apr 4, 2013 @ 09:00 AM — by Mark Davis
Tagged with: Porcelain Veneers Cosmetic Dentistry

Porcelain veneers represent a major advance in the field of aesthetic dentistry. They treat a range of cosmetic dental flaws, look natural, and last for years with proper care and maintenance. At Davis Dentistry, Scottsdale cosmetic dentist Mark Davis uses porcelain veneers to make subtle improvements that completely transform our patients’ smiles. When patients come into our office for dental exams or porcelain veneer consultations, we are frequently asked about the cost of porcelain veneers. The answer, of course, is different for each patient. You see there are a number of factors that affect the cost of porcelain veneers; the extent of tooth preparation, number of teeth being treated, and number of veneers to be fabricated will determine the total cost of treatment. In general, porcelain veneers cost anywhere from $900 to $2,500 per tooth.

Extent of Tooth Preparation

The amount of tooth preparation that is required certainly plays a role in the cost of porcelain veneers treatment. You see, prior to having the porcelain veneers placed, Dr. Davis will remove some of the tooth’s natural structure. In ideal cases, a minimal amount of tooth enamel is removed to make room for the veneer and create a good bonding surface. In more complicated cases, a greater amount of the tooth’s structure must be removed so the veneers sit flush with one another; this is common for patients undergoing the instant orthodontics technique. If a tooth is twisted or juts out at an odd angle, it may require a higher level of skill and more tooth preparation.

Number of Treated Teeth

The number of teeth that must be prepared for the veneers will affect the total price of treatment. During the porcelain veneers consultation, Dr. Davis will determine how many teeth should be treated to produce a good outcome. Prior to the final placement of the veneers, each treated tooth will be prepared, and temporary veneers will be placed while the final veneers are fabricated.

Number of Porcelain Veneers

For our patients in Scottsdale, porcelain veneers are custom made by skilled dental technicians. Each veneer is fabricated of quality porcelain that is milled to the unique specifications designed for the patient. The number of veneers that are made will also affect the cost of treatment.

Payment Options

Since porcelain veneers are not covered by dental insurance, we offer various payment options to patients. These include:

To schedule your porcelain veneers consultation in Scottsdale, contact Davis Dentistry today.